by Richard LassiterRichard

In my recent public presentations, I have been inspired to share about how:

  • knowing what I want
  • effectively living in two worlds at once
  • being in the “now”
  • personal organization

result in living a fulfilling, balanced life. I call this the Spiritual Science of Balance because these are steps anyone can take and achieve the same results.

Knowing what I want is step one. Not what I should do or can do, but what I truly want for myself. This is not from the selfish me-first, me-second, me-third point of view, but from the, “If I don’t know what fulfills me, who does?” perspective.

I have always seen my wants as stepping-stones across a wide, sometimes foggy river that represents my life. Often, the next stepping-stone becomes visible only after I reach the one I can see … my current clear goal. My angels will not interfere with my free will so if I don’t have clear goals, they can’t help me reach them. When I have clearly defined goals they can move out and set things up.

I live in two worlds at once: the physical and spiritual. That statement always felt true, but my Intuitive gift never really had a clear understanding about what it meant. Somewhere I discovered that the physical world is the structure of time here on Planet Earth and the spiritual world is an ever-moving point in space called “NOW.” I am always in the now, moving through time.

The now is reality. I am, always have been and always will be living in the now whether I have a physical body or not. When I am living in the now, I am One with All Things. The great master Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” A few years ago I had a vision that Heaven is accepting myself 100% as I am in the now, forever. Heaven is right here in the now, “… at hand.” I will always attract challenges in order to evolve but in any “now,” I am as perfect as I can be at that point in space and time. There is always more to experience.

If I don’t have my goals (wants) organized with the What, When, Where and Why clear, I cannot stay in the now. I will be moving in and out of the now figuring out what I need to do next. I will be open to outside influences because I am being a “thinking” state of consciousness. I lose my connection to my angels because they don’t live in limbo. They live in the now.

I need to invest some of my time into organizing my goals so my intellectual nature can do its part in a relaxed manner. Francisco Coll wrote, “Most people aren’t organized enough to be One with All Things.” If I want to live in the now I need organize my wants. When my goals are clear and organized into Essential, Important, and Trivia categories, I can exercise reasonable flexibility and live in the now because my direction is clear and focused.

I have business, and social wants. As I practice keeping the two separate, I learn that keeping them balanced is also important. I need to earn my daily bread and I need to enjoy the people in my life as well. And I have personal needs that are factored in: keeping my body healthy, regrouping my experiences with my Guidance, sharing with people so my experiences become wisdom. When Henry Ford created the 8-hour workday, he inadvertently organized 8 hours play and 8 hours sleep (business, social and personal) as well. This is a good base routine.

Life happens! My clearest plans can have pitfalls and unexpected challenges. This is when being solution oriented and positive keeps me in my zone. I attract “growth opportunities” … that is why I am here in a physical body at this time; to learn and grow. When I train myself to maintain a positive attitude and look for solutions, rather than get cranked up about problems, my Spiritual Helpers can help me. In fact, they love to help me discover creative solutions when I do my part by staying cool, calm, collected and solution oriented.

When I incorporate my clear goals, keep an organized daily plan and live in the now, I am full of energy, hope and enthusiasm for life. I am also very much in tune with the Wisdom of the Universe because I am in the same zone as my angels – the beautiful now.