Melissa Kitto is a certified intuitive coach and a mentor for your spiritual journey.

With her guidance and tools, you can connect with your spirit guides, develop your intuitive gifts and live your unique life purpose.

All my sessions with Melissa Kitto have been very informative and its so much fun to learn about myself and angels. Melissa has a pleasant voice which helps me calm down, as I can get nervous and excited.

She stays focused and on task, which I love since the time goes very quickly. She is professional, friendly and truly wants to help me reach my potential. – Julie Wineinger

Hi! I’m Melissa

When I was 12 years old, my Mum asked me if I wanted to have a session to learn about my angels and intuition. I agreed out of curiosity… but secretly didn’t really believe in this angel stuff!

That day I experienced communication from my angels directly and clearly.

I had an experience that revealed to me that the spiritual world is just as real as the material world of planet earth.

And I haven’t looked back since!

As a teenager I dived into attending workshops regularly to expand spiritually and trust my intuitive gifts. I continue my growth path to this day.

By age 25, I had had a connection with my angels for thirteen years and knew how incredibly helpful it was in my life.

I was able to “check in” with my angels for their advice anytime I had a decision to make, big or small. This trust in my guidance helped me to take the leap to leave my home country of New Zealand to move to the UK, then the USA, to quit school-teaching and become a full time spiritual entrepreneur.. and more.

Yet I started to see that others were really struggling with their spiritual connection. They didn’t know how to ask questions, or get help and they were making it way too complicated.

I wanted to show people how simple it can be to access the help of their incredible team of angels.

If I could do it as a totally inexperienced twelve year old, anyone could.

It became my mission and purpose to help spiritual seekers learn how to communicate directly with their personal team of angels/ spirit guides.

Twenty years on, I have now worked with thousands of seekers across the globe to teach them how to access their own inner guidance and have a two-way communication with their angels.

I am a certified spiritual consultant and workshop facilitator with the Wayshowers College.

I’m a New Zealander now living in the USA and a Mom of a sweet 11 year old boy. I love yoga, bocce, reading for my book club, traveling and enjoying concerts, wineries, hiking, kayaking and all sorts of other adventures with my partner and my friends.

I love to create a fun, fulfilling lifestyle and you can too!

Over the past decade, I’ve traveled through seven countries offering in person workshops for people to awaken their spiritual abilities and delivered countless online classes as well.

Now I’ve put the best tools into online courses to help you awaken to the messages of your angels and develop your psychic part!

My gift is to be a calming presence for you as you overcome the doubts and fears that can come up as you embark on a spiritual journey.

I can help you see the blind spots that you can’t see for yourself.

And I show you that the only reason that you don’t have a direct, clear communication with your angels yet is that you never learned the simple tools that WORK.

It’s not that you can’t do it, you just need to learn the tools to access Spirit and practice them.

Simple, step by step and practical in your life are my mottos.

Get started with my free video mini course on How to Hear a Message from your Angels so you can start to learn the simple tools to connect with Spirit.