It’s time to awaken your intuition by getting in touch with your body! I’d like to introduce you to my friend and client Dr. Sara Smith! When I met Sara, she was transitioning from being a traditional physical therapist but not sure of her next direction. I worked with her on my life purpose program – (which is now Authentic and Aligned!) and she began to get clear that body wisdom is the modality she was going to offer.

Sara focuses on the wisdom of the Pelvis – an area of the body that is the center of important chakra centers – and yet is often neglected! We’re taught in our society to favor logic and thinking – which means that all of our body attention becomes focused on the chest up.

You know those sayings we have “a gut feeling” – stomach area! “Heart’s desire” – heart chakra. “A lump in my throat” – relating chakra! And of course the third eye is the center of outflow and connection with spirit.

But what do we say about the coccyx chakra and the reproductive center chakra – not much! Yet that is your core. There is so much wisdom in this part of the body that we are neglecting and that is what Sara will help you with.

If you are over-thinking too much, you could really benefit from learning some Intuitive Body wisdom!

Check out my new YouTube video today with Dr. Sara Smith: