Ready for deeper healing and growth?
Then I invite you to invest in a Private Session.
If things aren’t working the way you’d like, chances are you have a subconscious block or limiting belief. The spiritual consultations listed below will release the block and provide you with the solutions to move forward.
Your inner growth is the key to creating the life you desire! You can also receive keys to your purpose and your unique mission for this lifetime.
Hi! I’m Melissa Kitto. At the age of 12 I received my first profile consultation and learned to communicate directly with my angels. I dove head first into spiritual groups and courses with the Wayshowers College.
By the age of 19, I was a certified spiritual consultant. These spiritual consultations are highly effective and pinpointed. We’ll work with your spirit guides and mine to cut to the chase! Forget years of therapy. Simply use your intuition to guide you to the session that will give you the solutions and clarity you need at this time.
These profiles are so pinpointed, that you can heal in one hour what could take one year or more with traditional therapy. There is NOTHING else like this out there!
If you’re looking to:
- accelerate your personal growth
- find your life purpose
- more effectively use your intuitive gifts
- overcome stuck points and resistance
- get clarity on your next steps.
A profile consultation is for you!
Once you’ve selected the session(s) that you’d like to book and checked the pre-requisites, click the purple button to make your payment.
Once your payment is approved, you will receive an email within 5 minutes that gives you access to book your appointment on my online calendar.
In addition, this email will include a link we’ll use to connect via Zoom video call at the time of our appointment.
I look forward to sharing with you! Questions? Email my support team.
Read my TERMS OF SERVICE before scheduling a session.
The Angels Direct Connect makes it personal!
(Orientation Profile Consultation – 1001) Most importantly, you will learn a technique that enables you to communicate directly with your Angels. This tool cuts through your indecision and self doubt, giving you clear, direct communication with Spirit. You’ll discover what your psychic gift order is. When you know your first gift, you have permission to be YOU.
You’ll discover the strength of your aura/energy field at this time. The degree of positive, negative and indecisive energy in your aura will be indicated. You will receive advice on how you can increase your positive vibration. You’ll learn how many spirit guides are with you, and how they connect with you!
1 hour. Investment – $197 – No Pre-requisites.
The Blockage Discovery Consultation
(1002-A) A powerful way to identify the number one blockage area that’s holding you back right now. A blockage is concept and behavior pattern that works against you.
In your first 7 years you are so sensitive you absorb other people’s blocks and take them on as yours. But it does not fit with your authentic self. If you feel that something’s not quite right with you, or you feeling stuck or hitting brick walls, this session is an excellent way to release that blockage area.
During the session you’ll recognize the pattern that’s occurring so you can see it for what it is – just a not-so-good habit. Then, we’ll spend time working on your solutions and how you are going to integrate a more positive pattern into your life.
One hour: Pre-requisite: Orientation Profile. Investment – $189
![1002-a Blockage Discovery Profile](
The Personal Thrust Consultation
(7000) Discover your spiritual thrust in life – a sentence or phrase that encapsulates your unique mission and expression for this lifetime. Learn how you can utilize your four spiritual perceptions of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling to better live your purpose. Understand how to implement your spiritual thrust into your daily life. Know what it looks and feels like to be on your purpose vs off your purpose. Investment – $189. No pre-requisites.
The Personal Thrust Update profile is also available after you’ve done the 7000. The update will assist you to more deeply understand your spiritual thrust. You’ll discover the percentage to which you are utilizing each gift of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling effectively to live your thrust plus pinpoint the areas where you are blocking your thrust so you can heal them!
Investment – $189. No pre-requisites
![7000-personalthrust Personal Thrust Profile](
The Percentage of Balance in the Glandular System Consultation
(1003-A) This session heals your chakras by healing the concepts and attitudes that you carry that block the flow of energy within you.
Discover the exact percentage of energy flowing through each of your 7 chakras, so you have the big picture of where you are at, and what needs to shift. Then, you’ll experience a powerful healing technique to balance all 7 of your chakra centers instantly.
Feel healthy, vibrant and energized. Finally, we’ll take and in depth look at the chakra that is causing you the most pressure at this time, so you can work on the solutions to shift that pressure out of your life.
One hour: Pre-requisite 1001 Orientation & 1002A Blockage Profiles. Investment – $189
![1003-a Glandular System Profile](
The Inner Guidance and My Spiritual Thrust Consultation
(7004) In this session you will meet your personal team of spirit guides. Begin to know each of your guides’ unique personalities by discovering what they did in their last lifetime on Planet Earth. You’ll learn where they lived, what their occupation was and the areas of life in which they help you now.
Gain practical tips on how you can improve in 7 key areas of life, and the ways that your guides can help you with your growth and to better fulfill your unique life purpose!
You’ll also discover your spiritual thrust which is your personal phrase or sentence which encapsulates your spiritual purpose – the energy that you’ve come to express. Each of your personal team of guides is uniquely suited to help you live your spiritual thrust; and you’ll see how being in close communication with your angels will enhance and improve every aspect of your life.
1.5 – 2 hrs: Pre-requisite 1001 Orientation Profile. Investment – $245
![7004 Inner Guidance Thrust](
Personal Niche Profile
(1200) Do you feel like a square peg in a round hole? Then you need to make some shifts to find your niche in life. Discover which of the 3 vibrations and 3 energy types is your strength so you can see what roles in life, jobs and business are a good match for your niche & purpose. Discover how to find the balance between your spiritual purpose and your avocation.
Time 1 hr No pre-requisites Investment – $189
![1200-niche Niche worksheet graphic](
Adventures of Service Profile
(1300) Discover your Success Quotient; a percentage that pinpoints clearly how effectively you are fulfilling your life purpose, and the areas that need to shift in order for you to be fully aligned with your purpose. Uncover subtle ways that fear of success is holding you back from being the joy, success and abundance you were born to live. Gain practical, simple solutions to enhancing your life. – The Business of You.
1 hr No pre-requisites Investment – $199
Relationships and Contracts Profile
(1100) A key component of doing what you came to do this lifetime on planet earth is fulfilling your spiritual contracts. You have a contract to learn and grow with yourself, your team of spirit guides, people and your opportunities. This consultation gives you a measure of how well you are fulfilling these contracts and where there is room for improvement so you can fully embody your purpose. Learn about your relationships and the specific contracts you are involved in for this lifetime.
45 mins – 1 hr Pre-requisite 7000 or 7001 or 7004 Investment – $159
The Living Thrust Profile
(7013) Discover the spiritual thrust statement of one of your angels! Go deeper into the spiritual contract you have with this helper and see how this helper's unique strengths support you to live your unique purpose and thrust. Know your angels on more intimate level. You can also receive this profile to help you understand your spiritual contract with a partner/ friend/ colleague to see how their thrust supports you and vice versa.
45 mins -1 hr Prerequisite: 7000 or 7001 or 7004 OR Investment - $159
Orientation Profile Swing Update
(1001-S) Go deeper and update your Orientation Profile. Discover to what percentage you have unfolded each of your four spiritual gifts of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling and whether each gift is stable or unstable (swinging). If a gift is unstable, it means you have pressure in that area. Discover a concept or habit which is pressuring you in one of your gifts. Replace this habit with a positive solution.
Time 1 hr, Pre-requisite 1001 Investment - $189.
![1001-s Swing Update](
Policies and Procedures of Life Consultation
In this session, you learn to discern the Real You; your true feelings from the concepts that you learned from your upbringing that no longer serve you.
Discover your policies; your spiritual pivot point for this lifetime. Learn your key procedures; the key actions to take for how to live your purpose and policies. You may be unknowingly living the policies and procedures of the people who raised you. Learn how to detach from the programming that is not yours and learn how you can live your OWN procedures so you can be fully present and living your own life purpose – no one else's!
One hour: Pre-requisites 1001 Orientation Profile, 1002A Blockage Discovery Profile Investment - $189
![1002-b Policies & Procedures Consultation](
The Astro Gift Profiles
This consultation is a deep healing of the concepts, habits and syndromes that originated in your childhood from the way you were parented. See how this "maze" or programming is impacting you as an adult and find solutions and new patterns that support you to live from your true feelings and authentic self.
This profile can be deeply transformative to shift habits from the first 7 years. There are 8 different versions of this profile available, 2 from each of the four types of perception; Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling. Check with your guidance which of the 8 profiles will be the most effective choice for you at this time. (more details will be emailed to you when you purchase this session)
75 minutes - Pre-requisites 1001 Orientation Profile, 1002A Blockage Discovery Profile Investment - $189
Depth Therapy Consultation
(1003-B) Gain a deeper understanding of how the energy is flowing through your seven chakra centers and where the pressure lies. You’ll receive an in depth therapy that will tap areas of your unconscious to release pressure in one of your chakra centers. You’ll be amazed at the insights you will receive from this profile.
60-75 mins. Pre-requisites 1001 Orientation Profile, 1002A Blockage Discovery Profile, 1003A Percentage of Balance in the Glandular System Profile Investment - $189
The Chakras Depth Chart Consultation
(1003-C) Gain a full picture of where the imbalances occur in your chakra centers and how much each gland swings up or down. You’ll receive a therapy that goes deeply into one of your chakras that most needs healing to reveal the subconscious concepts and attitudes that have been limiting you. Find positive solutions and gain immense healing both physically and spiritually.
1.5 hrs. Pre-requisites 1001 Orientation Profile, 1002A Blockage Discovery Profile, 1003A Percentage of Balance in the Glandular System Profile, 1003B Depth Therapy Profile Investment - $199
The Spiritual Compatibility Consultation
This consultation is for two people who wish to do this together. The profile takes an in-depth look into the relationship between two people. It pinpoints areas where the individuals are compatible, where the relationship is symbiotic, and areas where greater self-awareness and live-and-let-live are needed.
It helps both individuals have a deeper understanding for the strengths and vulnerabilities in the relationship and how to better support and work with each other toward common goals. If is a powerful tool for more fulfilling love and business relationships Two and one-half hrs. Pre-requisites: both people must have had the 1001, and one person must have had 1001, 1002A & 1003A Investment - $300 ($150 each person)
![1003-d 1003-D Spiritual Compatibility Profile](
Balance of Thought and Feeling Consultation
(1004) This profile is a comprehensive healing of all four of your spiritual gifts of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling. No matter what your gift order is, you can be affected by the out-of-balance aspects of all four gifts. Discover the balanced qualities that are your real strengths, and heal any out-of-balance tendencies that are not serving you. This will help you to move past bad habits that get you tense and emotional to living with more joy and freedom.
This profile is given in two parts. 1 ½ hrs for each part.
Pre-requisites 1001, 1002A, 1003A, 1003B, 1003C Investment - $219 each part.
Universal Energy Chart
(2001) Release outside pressure and confusion that has been affecting you in subtle ways. You may not have realized that the pressure that you feel is not you. Heal confusion that could have been around you for many lifetimes. You will extract this pressure from your aura and strengthen your buffer zone. You will be astonished at how light and free you feel as a result of this powerful healing.
1 ½ hrs Pre-requisites 1001, 1002A, 1003A, 1003B, 1003C, 1004 (part 1 & 2) Investment - $219
Soul Consciousness Profile
(2002) Understand the relationship between your 7 glandular centers and your four spiritual perceptions of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling. See the subtle ways that confusion and outside pressure have been encroaching on your chakras and thus affecting your physical body. Pinpoint your blindspots where confusion can encroach so you can be more solid with your inner feelings and direction.
75 mins Pre-requisites 1001, 1002A, 1003A, 1003B, 1003C, 1004 (part 1 & 2), 2001 twice Investment - $219
World Dimensions for Journeyman
You have spiritual apprentices across the globe who have an affinity with you and need to learn from your spiritual thrust. Part of your mission this lifetime is to attract and be of service to these apprentices.
In this profile you’ll discover how many apprentices you have and where they are located around the world. Learn the ways you can reach your apprentices to fulfill your spiritual contracts and mission this lifetime..
1 hr. Prerequisites: 1001 Orientation Profile & 1002A Blockage Discovery Profile Investment - $189
Concepts We Have About Ourselves
(7009-G) Gain a complete picture of 8 key areas of your spiritual growth and evolvement this lifetime. Gain a spiritual “check up” of how well you are doing in these 8 areas, and where there is pressure that is holding you back from full embracing your life purpose. These 8 key areas include how loyal you are to yourself, how much you are fulfilling your responsibility to your life purpose and how spiritually organized you are.
1 hr No pre-requisites Investment - $189
My Spiritual Contracts
(7009-H) Explore deeply why you are here on Planet Earth and the Mission you have come to fulfill. Be confident and clear in your Life Purpose and learn how you can create your service to be aligned with your purpose. Release limitations and fears that are preventing you from wealth and success and Fully Embrace your Wants and Desires. With action and Law of Attraction you can have Anything you desire.
3 hrs total, will be offered in 2 separate appointments Part 1 and Part 2
Pre-requisites: 1001, a thrust profile (7000 or 7001 or 7004), 7009G Investment - $339