When I started dating after divorce a few years back, I manifested my soul mate partner within 3 months. Remarkably quickly!

Was it just luck? In my opinion, NO!

I intentionally put in place some key manifesting practices that helped me bring him into my life quickly. One of those was to FEEL and THINK Abundantly.

You hear lack beliefs all the time with regards to dating.. “There’s no good men/women out there”. “All the good ones are taken”. “All men my age want to date younger women”. “All the women are looking for a man with a lot of money” And so on..

What you believe you will create. Instead I chose to have a very abundant thought and belief around dating. My mantra was “There are plenty of good men out there.”

Even though not every date worked out, and I had my fair share of weirdos contacting me on the dating apps!!? I remained steady in my belief that there was an abundance of good, kind men who met the criteria I was looking for.

This meant that I didn’t give up when something didn’t work out. And also, energetically I was naturally attuned to the good ones.

And thus when my partner came along, I found my match.

This abundant thinking and feeling can be translated to any situation. There is an abundance of job opportunities for me. Or, there are an abundance of clients who want my service and so on.

You will then manifest with more ease and joy.

In today’s new YouTube video, I share with you some tips on how you can FEEL more abundant in your life. I can’t wait to hear what you think!