Why do some goals seem to manifest easily and others are such a struggle? When I set out to manifest a wonderful new romantic relationship into my life a couple of years back it showed up quickly! Yet others struggle for years to manifest a relationship.
When you feel like you’re hitting your head against a brick wall and the goal is just not showing up – it could be that there are bigger forces at play.
As a soul, your energy is magnetic. You attract experiences, people and opportunities to you like a magnet because you desire growth and expansion on a soul level. Another word for this phenomenon is KARMA.
What is karma? It’s not being punished for doing something bad. It’s a soul level attraction. If your karma, or what you attract is to learn to be happy with independence at this time.. then a romantic relationship is simply not going to manifest!
At least.. it won’t manifest until you’ve mastered the spiritual lesson of independence. Then, you can move on to attract the relationship.
The tricky part is, karma is different for everyone. Everyone is on their own unique journey in their own unique timing. Watch today’s video to learn more about how to discern your karma and your timing so you can attract your dreams and desires.
If you’re ready to find your deeper soul’s calling, I invite you to join Authentic and Aligned – a 3 month transformational experience to align with your unique mission and purpose and find the career and relationships that nourish your soul.
If you’re wondering if this program is a good fit for you, schedule a free 15 minute call with me here: https://calendly.com/melissakitto/15min