Do you desire to have a connection with your angels/ spirit guides, but struggle to know how to get started? Or perhaps you’re getting in your own way and doubting yourself.

These three simple ways you can talk to your angels will help you have some immediate success and open up a communication with your spirit guides!

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3 Simple Ways to Talk to Your Angels

Hi it’s Melissa here with and I help spiritual seekers just like you learn to communicate directly with your angels, find and live your unique life purpose so you can be more successful and abundant.

Today’s video is about 3 simple ways that you can talk to your angels. Many people desire to have a connection with their angels or spirit guides. They know that there’s help available to them but they kind of struggle to get started and usually it’s we’re getting in our own way, right? You might have thoughts like am I really making this up? Am I good enough? Am I ready? I don’t know what I’m doing. That little bit of resistance can kind of stop us in our tracks. I want to help you to overcome that resistance today and give you just three really simple ways you can start having a connection and that you can start practicing. Please, as you’re doing these, just be patient with yourself and try to trust it. Doubts will come in. Put them aside and just say hey, if this were true, then maybe what would it mean, et cetera. Be more like a child with it, learning something new and fun and interesting.

3 simple ways you can talk to your angels: The first one is automatic writing. Again, this is one of those things that people make a big deal like oh I can’t do that, only special people can do this. Hey, just give it a try. Do it for fun. Get a journal and a pen, relax and say, “Angels, what’s a message that you have for me today?” And really just start writing. Just start writing whatever comes to you. Don’t judge it. Don’t hold back. Just write. Even if you feel like you’re making it up, don’t worry about it. Just write something because guess what, more than likely, you’re not making it up and there are some amazing messages that will come through. So give that a try. Just do some writing and in a way that you really relax and just allowing it to flow.

My second simple way for you to talk to your angels is to just simply ask a question and wait for an answer. You know in the Bible they say “ask and you shall receive”? It is so true and we forget to ask. So what is a question that you want to ask your angels about? If you had this wise board of directors to help you all the time, what would you ask them? Sometimes it can be to clarify about your timing, to know if a step is in your best interest or even just a general message to help you in your life, to help you move forward, to help you be more happy, more fulfilled, whatever it is, okay? So ask that question. Take a deep breath and just relax and be open to what pops in your head. First impression is the best so don’t doubt it, go with it. Whether it’s a picture, a word, a feeling, a memory, et cetera. You’ll be amazed at what really will come through before you have a chance to block yourself.

My third simple way to talk to your angels is just to ask for a word, a picture or a feeling, whichever one of those you prefer and whatever it is that you want some help with. So maybe you’re having challenges in your business. Maybe you’re having challenges in your relationship with someone. Whatever it might be, just say “Angels, give me a word to help me with this area.” Be specific about what you are saying. Maybe it will be “Angels, give me a word to help me with my work situation”. Deep breath and relax. Be. The word I got was “Be”. So maybe the message is just to be yourself at work. Don’t worry about what other people think. Or you might say “Angels, give me a picture to help me plan my next six months”. Ok, so what came through to me was a picture of pen and a journal. So maybe then the message is that I need to write some things down that I’ve been keeping in my head. It sounds like something I would do to be honest with you. It’s really simple but it doesn’t need to be complicated.

Try those for size if you’re ever feeling stuck. Remember that you can ask your angels for help. You don’t need to be special. You don’t need to be any more psychic or ready than you already are, just ask and try one of those 3 simple methods.

Let me know how it goes. Please comment below what you learned from this video or if you’re practicing these, let me know what did you get? What results are you having? And I also would invite you to check out my free video series on how to connect with your angels. The second video in this series, I guide you through how to actually hear a message from your angels so look forward to that one. Go ahead and check that out at And if you haven’t subscribed to this YouTube channel, please become a subscriber, hit that button below and I put out these videos every two weeks so you’ll be notified of what’s coming up. I will speak to you in two weeks in the next video. Bye for now.