
What does the word “angel” mean to you? For many, it can bring back memories from childhood of church and religious concepts that you’d perhaps rather forget. There are many mentions of angels in the Bible, and it’s a big part of the Catholic religion in particular. As a result, the word angel has religious connotations, and many spiritual teachers talk about angels from a religious point of view. This is not right/wrong, good/bad; but if you’ve always viewed angels as part of religion, I want to share with you today some ways to look at this differently.

The Webster’s Dictionary defines Spiritual as: “of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.”

The Webster’s Dictionary definition or Religious is: “relating to or believing in a religion.”

If a person is coming from a more religious point of view, they may not understand how you could believe in angels without some kind of religious basis first. I’ve had many a confused stare from strangers I meet when I share a little bit about what I do!

A person with a religious point of view, regards the practice of communicating with angels through that context. You will only be able to pick up from Spirit that which fits with your state of consciousness. Doreen Virtue, perhaps the most well-known angel teacher out there, shared in one of her recent email newsletters that she considers herself a Christian, she follows Jesus and considers God as the Almighty above everything else. With that point of view, the way she teaches about connecting with angels and the messages she receives from her own guides will be filtered through her state of consciousness. I’m not criticizing or judging that, but simply sharing with you so that you can have more awareness to choose which approach feels best for you.

Catholics believe in many hierarchies of angels. They have given personality to different archangels such as Michael, Raphael, etc. They believe that angels are closer to God than humans are, and that angels have not incarnated into Planet Earth.

When some angel teachers started connecting with Spirit more, they could sense that there actually WERE spirits connecting with them that had incarnated onto Planet Earth. And, thus evolved the popular idea that there is a difference between spirit guides (who have incarnated on earth) and angels (who have not). Thus a person with a religious approach to angels has explained how this can work without changing the religious concept that angels have not incarnated on earth. Remember Webster defines religious as, “relating to, or believing in a religion” – so a person with a religious approach would not change their deeply held religious concepts.

What if we could wipe the slate clean and start again without the context of hundreds of years of religious concepts affecting your approach to connecting with your angels? Whether you go to church or not, you still have some religious concepts! We all do, because I’m willing to bet that if you’re reading this you’ve been a priest, monk, nun or devout church attendee in past lifetimes! (probably several)

Why not erase all of that if you feel it’s holding you back? Instead, you can take a spiritual approach to connecting with your angels. The Webster’s definition of spiritual again is: “of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” Instead of filtering your relationship with your team of angels through religious beliefs, simply see how it affects your spirit or soul. No more, no less.

And consider the idea that your team of angels is simply a team of evolved spirits or souls – just as you are. There is no greater than or lesser than souls in the universe. God is not outside of you, or almighty above you, running the show. You are a part of God, you are one with God, the Earth and the Universe. There is no hierarchy of souls – just oneness. We are all connected, and your angels want to connect with you regardless of your beliefs, background or experiences. They will do that within whatever state of consciousness you are ready to handle.

But, if you’re ready for a spiritual state of consciousness, I give you permission to work with your angels soul-to-soul, mountain-to-mountain. The only difference between you and your angels is that they have more wisdom, and they have learned to master their own energy. They are not better than you, and they don’t tell you what to do. They are Pure Spirit – as are you.

If you didn’t have to fit your concepts of angels into the box of religious ideas, would that feel more free and expansive? Could it help you to let go of some worries about “getting it right” and just open yourself up to the connection and support that is there for you from Spirit? And if it helps, don’t even call them angels. Call them helpers, guidance or whatever term feels better to you. Take the personality out of it, and connect with them from an unlimited state of consciousness.

Which approach to working with your angels feels better to you? Post your comments and questions in the box below and let’s keep this conversation going!