Have you been second guessing what you’re hearing from your angels? You really desire to hear them clearly, but you don’t trust what you’re receiving, you don’t know if you’re just making it up, or you doubt yourself. Sound familiar? In...
You have inner guidance! You have angels! Did you realize that you can receive healing energy from your angels? Today I’m going to teach you a tool that you can practice regularly to receive healing energy from your angels when you need it. You can receive...
Want to talk to your angels? Today you’ll learn 5 ways you can talk to them! It’s simpler than you think, and can open you up to so much wisdom and opportunity. Go deeper with the upcoming FREE masterclass on Wednesday May 4th “How to Connect with...
Have you ever felt like your spirit guides have left you? I often get asked by people why this happens. In my opinion, it actually doesn’t happen that your spirit guides leave you – but it could feel like that. This can be very disconcerting for people who are...
Are you struggling to connect with your guardian angel? You may be making it way more complicated that it needs to be! Communicating with your guardian angel is actually simple and you are likely already doing it.. whether you realize it or not. Instead of making it...
Let’s practice and develop your psychic gift of psychometry! Psychometry is the ability to hold an object in your hands and pick up psychic impressions through touch. In today’s video, I guide you through an exercise that you can practice at home to use this ability!...
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