As you begin to open up a connection and communication with your angels, you may desire to know what their names are. But how do you find out their names and do they even have one?

In this video, I share with you how I personally approach this and why.

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Hi it’s Melissa here of I help spiritual seekers like you learn to communicate with their angels and find and live their unique life purpose. Today’s video tip is all about learning the names of your angels. This is a question that I get asked a lot when I’m working with my clients, helping them to connect with their angels and learn to communicate with them. They might ask, “Well, how can I find out my angel’s name?”

For me, learning the names of my angels has never been important and actually, with the system that I’m trained in with the Wayshowers College, we have these amazing consultations of who your angels are, how many you have and a little bit of information about what they did in their last lifetime but what is not part of that system is having a name for your angels. And I’ll tell you why. It’s really coming back to who we truly are. You are energy and your team of angels – whether you want to call them helpers, guides, etc., it doesn’t matter – they are energy too and so I think when you come to the pure essence of who you are as a soul and who your team of angels are, the souls as spirits, it kind of takes that personality out of it by not giving them a specific name.

Now, if you want to have a name for your angels, more power to you. Go for it! There’s nothing wrong with it. But what I want to share with you is you don’t have to. It’s not really necessary and sometimes I think if you have a name for your angels, you may actually be limiting your concept of who you are. So one of the things that you can discern and learn from a consultant is what your angels did in their last life or other lifetimes and that will give you a really good understanding and a feeling for their strengths, their experiences that they’ve had. Maybe their personality is more from a particular culture or being more male or more female, etc. Even that might limit your concepts sometimes because the truth is that they are infinite beings. They are souls with unlimited potential as are you. The only difference between you and your team of angels is the level of experience that they’ve had on planet Earth and the level of growth that they’ve mastered within themselves by incarnating many times to planet Earth. They’ve gotten to the point where they don’t need to come back here anymore.

If it really feels important to you to know your angel’s name, by all means ask them and see if you can hear a word or a name come through. But realize that you don’t have to. I never have really had names for my angels so I just get a sense of the areas that they’re helping me with, rather than focusing on their personality, etc. For example, one of mine helps me with business and finance and I can call on his energy. One of mine helps me with feeling relaxed and centered and so in those cases I can call on her energy. Again, I just think sometimes it takes that personality out of it. It keeps things more simple and direct and to the point. The main thing is having a connection with the ones that are important to you. Don’t get caught up on names because that’s not the point. The point is helping you move forward in your life and unfolding your growth and living your unique life purpose and that’s what they’re interested in.

If you’d like to learn more about how to connect with your angels, I would like to invite you to sign up for a free video series that I’ve put together. It helps you to be more aware of your angels’ messages, to hear a message from your angels and learn to trust what comes through a lot more. To get that, you can go to

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