You have a team of master souls or angels who are working with you all the time. Learning to connect and communicate with them can be one of the most enlightening things you do in your life!

In order to have a clear communication with your team, you need to have a good understanding of how they communicate. Think of this article as the do’s and don’ts of connecting with D Zone.

There are four zones of consciousness around Planet Earth. I’ll share more detail about this in a future article, but for now here’s a brief overview.

A Zone is the level of Planet Earth. Souls come here to learn and grow and to be involved in action, accomplishment and achievement.

B Zone is a confused state of consciousness, 0-5 miles out from Planet Earth. Souls gravitate to B Zone if they are belligerent, bitching, complaining, etc.

C Zone is a manipulative, limbo state of consciousness 0-15 miles out from Planet Earth. Souls gravitate to C Zone if they are competitive, conniving, ego-trip, etc.

D Zone is 15 miles and beyond from Planet Earth. D Zone energy is delight, determined, directed and detached. Our team of angels/spiritual helpers reside in D Zone.

As spiritual awareness has increased on Planet Earth, confusion has arisen about the difference between C and D Zone. We are all sensitive, and we can all sense the communication of souls without bodies. Let’s ensure that the souls you are tuning in to are your D Zone level helpers! There’s no need to be afraid or worried about B and C zone. Just as we must learn to deal with negative people WITH bodies, we can learn to disconnect from outside influences and only get wisdom from D Zone.

Here’s some tips that will help you to recheck that your communication with your angels is crystal clear:

1. Your angels will give you suggestions, never commands.

Your angels don’t want to interfere with your free will or tell you what to do. This means that the communication comes in as brief suggestions. Then you are free to pay attention or not as the case may be. If you ever hear communication that is demanding or feels imposing – this is not your guidance.

2. Communication with your master souls always feels positive.

Recently I was receiving the email newsletter of a woman who was doing channeling work. She shared that when she first started working with the soul she is channeling, she felt anxiety. She went on to explain that this is normal when working with Spirit.

Everyone is doing the best they know how, but it is a shame there is such misunderstanding out there! High souls will never make you feel anxious, or give you a headache. You will never feel pressured. The energy of D Zone souls helps you feel more relaxed and positive.

3. The communication from your master souls will often be short and to the point!

D Zone souls are not wordy. They communicate more with energy than with words. If you hear a message from your angels, it is the verbal expression of the energy they are portraying. A few months back I heard a very clear and distinct message from one of my angels, “You are ready to reach the masses.”

My first thought was, “What?? What do I do with that?” I was a bit stunned! But there was nothing else to hear. My helper didn’t need to give me a detailed explanation or interpretation of what that meant. He left it up to me to discern and interpret the message, and even 8 months later, I am still working with that message that was only 7 words long.

Compare this with C Zone souls that will use a channeler’s vocal chords to communicate. They feel that it is their duty to impart their wisdom and advice and they use a lot of words to do so! They can talk for hours. D Zone souls would rather give you the freedom to find your own solutions.

4. When your master souls connect with you, you will often experience “chills” or “tingling” sensations.

Because your angels have a high vibration of energy, you will experience that extra surge, or charge, as chills when they come close to you. This is a confirmation that you are on the right track with what you are doing, or a sign to pay attention. C Zone souls do not give you chills because they have not mastered their energy to that high vibration.

5. Your master souls are encouraging you to grow and trust yourself.

D Zone souls have no agenda. They don’t take anything personally. They are simply here to assist. After a while you will come to realize that it really comes down to trusting yourself above anything else. Your angels will assist you along the way, but they won’t do it for you. If you feel like your angels aren’t helping you enough, it could be that you are wanting them to do things for you, that they know you are ready to do yourself. Trust in your own power and sensitivity!