melissa_blueby Melissa Kitto

After doing this Spiritual Work for over 20 years, my guidance have revealed to me a simple, step-by-step process to take you from wherever you are now, to fully embracing your purpose-filled, successful life. You did not come to Planet Earth to suffer. You came to learn about yourself, to grow, to be successful, to be happy and to be of service to others.

If you feel that you are not doing any of those above things, then you have something to learn from the 7 Steps to a Spirit-Guided Life. The process is simple and you can continually come back to it again and again at each new stage of your growth. You are always evolving, expanding and improving yourself so these 7 Steps will become like a spiral that is ever evolving upwards.

If you would like to hear more detail and more inspiration about these 7 Steps than I have the space to share in this article, please go here and enter your name & email to receive the free recording of the teleclass I did last week on this topic.

Step 1: Raise your Spiritual Vibration to stay connected to Spirit at all Times

You can’t connect to the divine guidance of Spirit until you learn to raise your spiritual vibration to be more tuned in, connected and relaxed. Learning to raise your spiritual vibration is like tuning your radio frequency in to the frequency of Spirit. If your radio is not tuned in to the right frequency, you are not going to hear any of the messages your angels are sending you.

We all have ups and downs in our energy and in how we feel. But, you can learn to maintain a higher vibration all the time. This way, you’re not susceptible to being influenced by the negativity in your environment. You’re buffered from that and can lead your life successfully without fear and worry.

Step 2: Learn to Communicate with your Angels and find Immediate Answers for your Life’s Direction and Purpose

Your team of helpers/angels know your life purpose better than you do! They have a birds eye view on your life and can see things you can’t. So by learning to establish a direct, two-way communication with them you can get the answers you need to move forward!

Feeling stuck? Your angels will help you know the best path to take and how to be in the right place at the right time. They will help you with anything, as long as it is your business to know. You have a team of angels with a lot of wisdom for you – so why not utilize all this incredible help that is available to you! You can do this by learning some simple techniques.

Step 3: Discover your Spiritual Life Purpose to Live the Life you were Born to Fulfill

Most people think of their life purpose as being their career. But that is a means through which you live your life purpose. What you really came here to do is to live your spiritual thrust. Spiritual Thrust is a term coined by our mentor Dr. Francisco Coll to encapsulate what you are really here to express this lifetime. It is what you do best, and it is your niche in life. Others are attracted to you when you are living your spiritual thrust.

Discover what your spiritual thrust is so you can get into alignment with what you’re REALLY here to do this lifetime. Then, once you’ve clarified that, you can go on to find the opportunities out there in the world that are the best fit for you to live your thrust.

Step 4: Overcome your blocks and limiting beliefs so you can fully reach your goals

This is perhaps the most important of the 7 steps. It is your sub-conscious limiting beliefs and fears that stop you in your tracks, just when you’re about to become successful. These unseen mental barriers are usually beliefs that you picked up in your first 7 years of life from the people around you. You have been programmed to act, and behave in a certain way, based on your upbringing. Some of this training is good, but some of it is not working for you anymore.

Become aware of the fears that are there, and then replace them with more positive habits that are authentic to you. Too often, we are living life based on our parent’s standards instead of our own standards. That way instead of being stopped in your tracks when something feels risky or scary – you can keep moving toward your goals smoothly and effortlessly.

Step 5: Create your new purpose-inspired life!

Did you know the most spiritual people are organized and have a plan? You can’t get to where you want to be unless you have goals and a plan. Your angels can’t assist you without this. If you are wondering why nothing ever goes your way, do you know what you want? Have you set clear goals based on your unique life purpose and your desires?

If not, then your angels don’t know what to help you with. You need to set your direction first. Otherwise it’s like asking a GPS to give you directions without typing in your address first! Your angels need to know what you want and what your destination is.

Step 6: Team up with your angels to implement your Life Purpose Plan

Now the fun part begins! You’ve got your plan so now you work with your angels to know the best steps to take to get you there. Your angels can help you with timing, prioritizing which opportunities to take first and to know how to get to where you want to be.

Many people don’t realize how practical working with your angels can be and just how specific their help can be. In fact, the more specific you are the better. Imagine having a board of directors you can consult for help and guidance every time you need to know how to be in the right place at the right time. Magic!

Step 7: Regroup and Make it all Practical.

Regrouping is an important step in your spiritual growth. This is where you see the progress that you have made, and learn what you can do differently next time. This is how you learn and grow and move up to the next level in your state of consciousness. If you want to move beyond where you are now, regrouping is an essential step in your process!

Otherwise you may not be aware of the potential growth you have mastered. Learn to master yourself and master your own energy by regrouping.
I hope by now you can see the incredible value the 7 Steps to a Spirit-Guided Life will add to your life. Go ahead and read more about the BRAND NEW course at