5th Chakra - Incentive

by Richard Lassiter

This is part 5 of a 7-part series on the chakras and the glandular system. Energy flows through your physical body. Your body is constantly receiving and sending out energy waves. There are seven centers or chakras in your body to receive and send energy. As you become aware of these energy centers and learn to control the flow of energy through them, you learn to be the master of your situation.

The Fifth Chakra – Drive

The Heart Center is located in the heart and lungs area. The energy moving through this chakra is associated with the challenge, drive and incentive to be of service. It is the center of energy that leads to love for accomplishment and involvement.


Is the sustaining power within an individual that gives him or her the incentive to create, develop and follow a project through to successful completion. Drive or incentive begins with self-respect and leads to well-defined goals.

Being of service is the spiritual concept of seeking opportunity for your own benefit. The love for accomplishment and involvement is the real you. As a child, you were consistent energy and accomplishment. When you started school, society began “taming” this enthusiasm and initiative. If no one helped you understand that to conform means to respect, and how to fully express yourself while “playing the game of society,” you felt held back and imposed upon. You started suppressing the real you in order to fit in. Over time, it became comfortable to cater the outer expectations rather then trusting your true feelings.

Drive or incentive begins with self-respect and leads to well-defined goals.

When you respect yourself, you are honest with yourself concerning what you want. Having clearly defined goals with the What, When, Where, and Why defined, gives your drive a target for all its energy. If you are not clear in your wants and needs, you will look for fulfillment outside yourself. If your wants are not clearly defined and your desire to accomplish is strong, you may be focusing on goals you were taught to chase rather than your own. You may be accomplishing a lot, but missing the fulfillment that comes from living your unique mission. This creates an endless need for more and more stuff in order to fill the void within. But, the void can only be satisfied by finding your service and sharing it with people.

When your drive is directed to your goals – goals you are enthusiastic about, you move with inner motivation and your heart is healthy. Truly happy people are focusing their energy on being of service in ways that they enjoy. They found their passion and figured out how to get paid for it.

When you know what you want to accomplish, your Visionary part, your clairvoyant sensitivity, can effectively organize the necessary steps to accomplish that goal. This part of your inner communication system can “see” the steps and sense your proper timing. Your Drive Chakra thrives when you put your goals in motion. It is you doing the things you want and need to do to advance your material and spiritual evolution. You can have very clear direction, but if you don’t follow through on that direction in an organized way, your drive is not using the energy available to it. On the other hand, if you are forcing yourself to drive toward goals that are not part of your true feelings, you are creating pressure in the heart chakra because things are not flowing naturally; they are being forced. In either case, your chest will feel tight or heavy. Over time, this behavior can create heart and/or lung issues in your physical body.

You have no troubles with your heart or lungs when you know what you want and are moving toward your well-defined goals because your Drive Chakra in open to all the energy available to you. “Physician, heal thy self,” is a reality for people who understand how they can keep their energy clear and flowing through their glandular system. You are a perfect gathering of energy and by using your energy in ways that are self-elevating, you can heal any blockages you may have created.

It is all about self-respect.