You have a unique purpose in life!

Everybody does, yet many people just can’t seem to find it. In this video, you’ll learn about what a spiritual purpose really is. (Clue: it’s innate within you, not outside of you!)

Hi, I’m Melissa of I help spiritual seekers like you learn to connect with their angels and live their unique purpose in life.

Today’s topic is Your Spiritual Purpose is unique. Now, I have another video titled, Your Life Purpose is Not an Assignment because most people think that their life’s purpose is something they’re supposed to do out there in the world and really, if you think of it as an assignment or something you’re supposed to achieve, it implies that you can pass or fail and that’s actually not true.

What is more accurate? I’d like you to try this on for size, a new approach for finding your purpose – is that your spiritual purpose is innate within you. It’s different than what you do out there in the material world. We’ll talk about that in an upcoming video but realize that no one can do what you came here to do.  Your true purpose and reason for being here on planet earth, at this time, is to learn and grow and to do that in your unique way, expressing your inner gifts and talents and skills.  Have a think about what feedback do you get from other people? What do they say that you’re really good at and it’s probably the thing that you do without even trying but it brings you joy and you just love doing it. So for me, it’s being creative and it’s taking material maybe that already exists and presenting it in a new and creative way. And I love reaching people and having an impact on their lives.

Now, in the Wayshowers College, we actually have a process where you can take that innate energy, your unique vibration, which is really what your spiritual purpose is, and distill that energy into a statement and we call that your spiritual thrust. Now I think it’s called your spiritual thrust because it implies that your energy is always in motion. It’s an expression. It’s a sharing and an outflow. But it’s innate within you. So for example, my spiritual thrust is balance and harmony guide me through. When I’m doing the business of me, when I’m truly expressing my spiritual energy and purpose, I am creating balance, I am finding balance in my life and that brings me harmony and that’s what I share with other people too. I help them to find their inner balance and harmony. My husband, Richard, his thrust is I am the freedom lover. So when he’s living his unique spiritual thrust, he is helping people to be bold and fearless and live a life of freedom and of course he does that for himself too. My son, even though he’s only 4 years old, his spiritual thrust is all ways achieve. It’s actually three words.  When he’s being his true unique self, he is challenging himself, he’s learning new things and he thrives on that energy of accomplishing something and achieving a goal.

You can see three different and very distinct examples of a spiritual thrust. Now they could put that unique energy into anything that they do but regardless of what you’re actually doing, your unique energy vibration is there and it’s expressing and so if you’ve been looking outside of yourself for your answers, you’re probably frustrated right now because you’re not tuning into what you really came here to do. The business of you is accomplishing that spiritual purpose or thrust in this lifetime.

No one can do what you came here to do. This means that there’s no competition. Living your spiritual purpose is not something new to learn actually. It’s more of a process of being the real you more of the time and eliminating any fear or blocks of resistance or bad habits that get you off your unique purpose. For mine, balance and harmony guide me through. If I’m not living my thrust, I’m out of balance. Pretty simple example but you can see that we’re not 100% of the time fulfilling our spiritual purpose but it’s like getting off and coming back on track.

The more time you actually spend or invest doing your unique vibration of energy, the more you’re living your purpose and it then becomes a matter of finding the opportunities out there that allow you to do your spiritual purpose more of the time. If you’re doing things or in a job or business right now that doesn’t really afford you to bring out those innate skills and talents then you’re probably not very happy. That’s the course correct that needs to happen.

I invite you to take this further by joining a free community by joining a free community called The Life Purpose Revolution. It’s a Facebook group for spiritual seekers just like you who desire to find that unique purpose and live it. It’s a process and so we’re going to help you on that journey in that free Facebook group.

If you’d like more of these weekly videos, I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and check out my website, for more free resources.

Comment below.  Does this idea resonate with you and do you have an inkling of your spiritual purpose already? What is it that is unique to you? What are maybe some keywords or phrases that you would choose to express your unique vibration of energy? Remember, it’s not a doing, it’s a being. The doing is important but you’ve got to start with the being-ness first. What is innate to you? Comment below, I’d love to learn about that. I’ll see you next week. Bye for now.