Your angels are always with you, and there’s many ways that they communicate with you. In this week’s video, I share with you one of the most tangible ways you will be able to sense the presence of your angels and know that they are connecting with you. It’s something that you can pay attention to throughout your day. Enjoy!

Hi everyone, this is Melissa from Today I want to share with you one way to know that your angels are communicating with you.

So there’s many ways that your angels will actually connect with you. But one of the things that is most tangible, a sign that you can recognize, is when you’ll actually feel them physically.  When you’re relaxed, you’ll be tuned into this higher vibration of energy that your angels have and we can actually feel that vibration physically when they’ve come close to us as a sensation of chills or tingling or goosebumps on the body or maybe even shivers going down your spine and that is because you’re feeling the extra charge to your nervous system when you experience that high energy of your angels.

When you feel chills or tingling, it’s a sign to pay attention to what your angels might be sharing with you at that time. And only your angels can give you a feeling of chills – it would never be a lower entity or negative energy because it’s the high vibration that we’re feeling. It’s very reassuring when you get chills because you know that it can’t be anything negative but it’s only that high, crystal-clear of spirit that you’re tuning into at that moment in time.

What do chills mean? It can mean a sign to pay attention, a confirmation that you’re on the right track, reassurance – your angels just reminding you that they’re there. The cool thing to is that each one of the angels on your team actually gives you chills in a different place on your body so you can start to recognize them individually in that way.

Pay attention because the next time that you feel chills, take a moment to discern for yourself what is it that my angels are wanting to communicate to me at this moment? What is its significant that’s happening? I often notice it’s when somebody’s sharing a really good idea with me, or some kind of spiritual understanding or truth that is very meaningful, things that are very important to acknowledge, whether it be for my own growth or maybe something very practical, like a new business idea or a new class to offer. Lots of things that they could be communicating with you but take a moment to discern it. Even if it’s just reminding you that they’re there because how much of the time do we forget to ask and acknowledge the help that our angels are always willing to give us?

So pay attention to those chills.  Comment in the box below – have you ever felt chills and what did it mean when you felt them? If you enjoy this video, please subscribe to the YouTube channel and share this with your friends and I have a lot more tips and resources for you at so hop on over there and take advantage of that to learn how to connect with your inner guidance and live your life purpose. I’ll see you there.