The Sixth Chakra – Relating

This is part 6 of a 7-part series on the chakras and the glandular system. Energy flows through your physical body. Your body is constantly receiving and sending out energy waves. There are seven centers or chakras in your body to receive and send energy. As you...

A Reminder To Myself

by Richard Lassiter I am energy. I am, have always been and will always be.Science tells me that energy can neither be created, nor destroyed – that energy is. Religion tells me I am one with all things. Both are saying the same thing in different words. Yet, I...

Balancing my Personal, Business and Social

By Richard Lassiter Life is simple. Every situation and interaction we have during our life on Planet Earth falls into one of three energy patterns. You are either involved in business, personal or social energy at any point in time. Learning to identify each of these...